Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Best Place To Be a Woman!

I've been thinking recently about where I'll end up after graduation, this coming spring. I like Chicago, and there are also a lot of other places throughout the U.S. I would like a chance to get to know better, but I've also been thinking about moving back to Europe. I lived in Dublin for nearly two years after graduating from undergrad, and although I don't think I'll be rushing back to Ireland any time soon I am increasingly more interested in the idea of living and working in Europe. My partner is Irish and we talk a lot about the places we'd like to live, Germany is high up on our list! I'm seriously concerned with the future of the arts in the U.S. and also the prospect for getting a job in my field after I'm done with school. Sure, Europe is going through a tuff time like the States, but after reading this article in The Huffington Post Europe is looking much more enticing. Especially for women!
 The Huffington Post